Monday, May 5, 2014

Macro and Micro Nutrients

Nutrients are divided into two classes; micronutrients and macronutrients. Macronutrients consist of Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat. Macronutrients are usually measured in grams.

Carbohydrates- There are complex carbs which are made up of starch and fiber and simple carbs which consist of sugar. It is definitely not a good idea to avoid carbs altogether because carbohydrates are one of the ideal nutrients needed to meet your body’s energy needs, to feed your brain and nervous system, to keep your digestive system fit and to keep your body lean (Sizer, 2013). It is not healthy to eliminate anything completely from your diet and carbohydrates are no exception.  The current recommendation for carbohydrates are 130 grams a day at minimum.  You want 45-65 percent of your calories to come from carbohydrates.

Protein- Proteins also help build enzymes and hormones, maintain the acid-base balance in your body, transport various substances throughout your cells and help keep your immune system healthy. In the absence of carbohydrates, proteins can provide your body with energy (Boyer, 2010). Calories from protein should make up about 20% of your diet.

Fats- Although fat is often associated with negative health implications, fat is essential for a healthy diet. Fat helps cushion your organs, provides insulation to help you maintain body temperature and allows you to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (Boyer, 2010).

Micronurients are called "micro" because they are needed in smaller amounts then macronutrients. They are more commonly referred to as "vitamins and minerals." Micronutrients are vital to the proper functioning of all of your body's systems. Sodium, for instance, is responsible for maintaining the proper fluid balance in your body; it helps fluids pass through cell walls and helps regulate appropriate pH levels in your blood (, 2013). Most macronutrients are water soluble which means that is your body has an excess of one of the macronutrients it flushes it out in urine. It is easy to get the macronutients you need as long as you eat a good amount of colorful fruits and vegetables, however if you are concerned you can always take a daily multivitamin.

Boyer, L. (2010).

Macronutrients Essential for a Healthy Diet. Retrieved from (2013). Micronutrients: What They Are and Why They're Essential. Retreived from

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